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Your body holds the seeds of a liberated future.
Give them the soil they need.




Seed & Spiral supports individuals and institutions who want to unravel oppressive conditioning to bring their visions for justice, equity, and liberation to life.


With compassion and rigor, we make contact with the old patterns, emotional blocks, and sticking points that keep you from fully embodying your values while tapping into the nourishment, care, and courage it takes to transform them.



Hi, I'm Kara,

I’m the animator behind Seed & Spiral. As an apprentice of seed, story, and soma, my great love is to fan the flames of our collective curiosity, healing, and resilience through connection to the land and our bodies.


While our contexts differ, we have all been shaped by oppressive systems and supremacy cultures. It takes skill, intention, and care to unravel those threads and weave something new.

My offerings help you connect to your body, your emotions, and your authentic longings—while also examining power dynamics and centering equity. Held together, these elements offer clarity and confidence as you discern your path forward.

Work with Me

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©2023 by Seed & Spiral 

Portraits  & Event Photos  by: Carol Lara  l  Logo by: Manicule Studio  I  Butterfly and Milkweed Paintings by: Eli Sanchez  I  Created with: Wix 

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